On the day of your appointment, please present yourself with:
> Your passport or any other travel document (containing at least two consecutive blank pages) + photocopy of the identity page of this document and of the last visas obtained
> Originals and photocopy of all the documents listed below, translated into French or English.
Please note : if any of these documents are missing, this may lead to the non-issuance of the visa you have applied for. The visa center reserves the right to ask for further documentation and information.
A travel document, issued less than 10 years ago, containing at least two blank pages, with a period of validity at least 3 months longer than the date on which you intend to leave the Schengen Area or, in the case of a long stay, at least three months longer than the expiry date of the visa requested. Be sure to transmit (scan) ALL PAGES of your travel document containing visas, entry and exit stamps or any other inscription.
ID photograph.
If you are not a national of your country of residence: proof that you are legally resident in that country (e.g. residence permit).
If you have an official travel document, a note verbale is required.
Purpose of travel/stay
Reservation confirmation of an organised trip or any other document describing the planned programme.
Potvrdjena rezervacija organizatora putovanja ili plan putovanja sa vaučerom
Reservation of a return ticket or travel itinerary.
Socio-professional situation
Proof of socio-professional status (e.g. employment contract, certificate of employment, extract from the trade and companies’ register, school attendance certificate, proof of pension) and any documents demonstrating the applicant’s personal links to the country of residence (e.g. copy of marriage certificate, family record book).
Potvrda o radnom odnosu sa naznačenom platom, zanimanjem, godišnjim odmorom i radnom knjižicom ili uverenje M4 (za zaposlene) ili registracija firme za preduzetnike
Bank statements, pay slips, pension statements.
Dokaz o novčanim sredstvima (stanje na računu u banci, 3 poslednja izvoda od plate, posledjna 3 ceka od penzije)
Reservation of a hotel or sufficient resources to cover hotel expenses (to the amount of €120/day) or a tenancy agreement or certificate of ownership. If staying with a private individual : proof of accommodation (Cerfa form).
Travel health insurance
Travel health insurance certificate (cf FAQ).
potvrda o putnom zdravstvenom osiguranju(vidi detalje na FAQ)
Это официальные требования. Неофициально придрались к банковской выписке за то, что нет регулярных поступлений, просто наличие любого количества средств их не удовлетворяет. Почему-то они скептически отнеслилсь к внж по недвижимости.