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CONCLUSIONS Public health recommendations on infant nutrition should consider the complete process that includes all the stages involved in the source of the nutrients. This refers to the choice of the base ingredients used for the production of manufactured or home-prepared products well as to the provision of adequate instructions for the reconstitution and the feeding to the infant. Water companies should comply with existing guidelines and legislation, however the quality of water available from the tap may differ from that at the water plant and additional water treatment is possible at household level. Transparency in terms of a water’s suitability for infant and child nutrition is essential for the consumer to make an informed choice. Depending on region and social status, consumers may have a choice of water (tap, mineral, bottled water) or have to accept what is available. Social inequalities and lack of information may result in non-recommended practices of infant feeding that can cause inadequate mineral intake.
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мало того, что вы ходите и раздаёте всем диагнозы, о которых не спрашивали (со мной-то работали настоящие врачи, а не любители повыпендриваться дистиллятами в телеграме), так ещё и раздаёте советы, не зная кто что ест или не ест, что им надо пить, и я молчу о том, что дистиллят на вкус вообще не стоит каких-либо бенефитов, если бы они были (а их нет)