Pet Sitting in Belgrade
4 июля 2024 г.
Šuher (Street cat) is looking for a sitter
Pet Boarding (the pets stay in the sitter’s home)

Hello! Found a sneezing kitten on the street and couldn't just left him there.
He's at vet clinic right now being treated for herpes. He also has fiv+, so no other animals can be in contact with him.
I can't just keep him in the clinic, because it's too expensive, and can't take him home because I have another cat. So I'm looking for a pet-sitter with a kind heart, who can keep him and give him pills till he become healthy again. ~1-2 weeks

Dates: 06–18 July
Owner: Tim
Preferred Languages: Russian, English, Serbian
Age: 2 months
Gender: Male
Size: Mini (1–5 kg)
Vaccinated: No
Microchipped: No
Sterilized: No
Treatment: Yes | Antibiotics for Herpes
Can live with other pets: No
Can stay alone: 5–8 hours
Walks per day:
Additional info: Friendly with everyone
Payment per day: up to 2000 RSD
Location: Belgrade #Čukarica
Ответов: 1
Можем взять котика на две недели, живем с мужем на Bežanijska Kosa, Новый Белград, животных у нас нет

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