Капец, это прям как из страшилок, слабонервным не рекомендую The surveillance camera in the radiation room was offline and the intercom had been broken that day.
With the first dose the patient felt an electric shock and heard a crackle from the machine. Since it was his ninth session, he realized that it was not normal. He started to get up from the table to ask for help. At that moment the operator pressed P to continue the treatment. The patient felt a shock of electricity through his arm, as if his hand was torn off. He reached the door and began to bang on it until the operator opened it. The technicians were unaware that the patient had received a massive dose of radiation between 16,500 to 25,000 rads in less than a second over an area of one cm². The crackling of the machine had been produced by saturation of the ionization chambers, which had the consequence that they indicated that the applied radiation dose had been very low.