Япония исключительно неохотно дает статус беженца, и рассмотрение заявления может занимать долгое время. Пока оно идет, к вам будет применимо вот это:
This notice is especially for short term visitors (“Temporary Visitors”)
who change the status by applying for refugee recognition while in Japan.
Recognition of refugee status is a system for the sake of refugees who have
come to Japan in order to escape from persecution in their home countries
and to seek for protection, and not for the sake of those who wish to work in
Until 14th January 2018, those who applied for recognition of refugee
status were generally permitted to work after 6 months from the submission
of application. However, the Immigration Bureau, Ministry of Justice
revised this operation as of 15th January 2018, and applicants who clearly do
not correspond to the status of “refugee” as stipulated in the 1951 Refugee
Convention will NOT be permitted to reside nor work in Japan even if the
applications are in the process. Such applicants will be subject to the
procedure for departure (including procedure of deportation) upon expiry of
the period of stay.
Описание процедур в целом тут: