Нострификация дипломов в Хорватии:
Assessment of foreign higher education qualifications for the purpose of access to the labor market in the Republic of Croatia in professions that are not included in the List of regulated professions in the Republic of Croatia is carried out by the Agency for Science and Higher Education, the National ENIC/NARIC office.
All necessary information about the Assessment of foreign higher education qualifications process can be found on the website of the Agency for Science and Higher Education
https://www.azvo.hr/hr/ured-enic-naric/priznavanje-kvalifikacija To make it easier to find your way through the process itself, the page contains „Guidelines for starting the procedure for assessment of foreign higher education qualification.”
Following the above, it is necessary to do the following:
https://www.azvo.hr/en/enic-naric-office/recognition-and-assessment-of-foreign-educational-qualifications-in-the-republic-of-croatia/guidelines-for-starting-the-procedure-for-assessment-of-foreign-heq1. Fill in the application form - the form must be printed, filled in and read carefully, given that the form itself contains a list of documents that must be attached in order to start the process of evaluating foreign higher education qualifications in the Republic of Croatia
2. Collect the documents necessary for the evaluation of IVK
3. Pay compensation for the costs of the procedure
4. Submit documents - send the collected documentation for the evaluation of foreign higher education qualifications exclusively by mail to the address: